Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Memories?

The MST3K marathon is certainly something I remember. I also remember what seemed like our own "Willow" marathon, one year. And I remember the days when I made 6 pies for several years--2 pumpkin, 2 apple, and 2 pecan. And I remember having to give that up in grad school and moving and building, etc. Then, for Thanksgiving 2001, just a month after I had defended my dissertation, I baked pies and Harper said, "I didn't know you could make pies." I thought that was so sad that he didn't even remember when I had made them before. Well, Harper, I promise to bake apple pies for Dad's birthday coming right up.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

My kids love "Willow." I bought it for them because of my fond memories of that marathon. I think we probably watched it 9 times in the same day.

"I stole the baby!"