Monday, November 30, 2009

My Favorites

I thought about this, then forgot to do it (sorry, Bethany). I did mention it at dinner (I know, doesn't cover it) . . . one of my favorite memories is kind of a random one . . . and was my most atypical Thanksgiving. It was right after I moved to Delaware. I couldn't go back for Thanksgiving, so I went to Virginia to hang out with Sarah Jaggi. But my favorite thing about it WAS family related . . .

Remember the radio show that Dad & Mom did? I loved how we all spent that time listening to the radio show while chatting on Skype. Everyone was so far away (and I felt it), but I really enjoyed that group conversation. If it hadn't been for that, we probably wouldn't have all communicated that day. So, I was very grateful for that as I remember feeling alone in a whole new way living across the country on my own.

I also thought of Willow, but probably not in a good way. I've never been able to watch that movie since.

Another fond memory I have is of family football games on Thanksgiving. I remember when Dad would take us out and play with us (even though I never had a clue what I was really doing).

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