Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Halloween Pics, etc.

This year, because of my condition, I had the kids all do repeats of last year's costumes. I know this is against Rob's convictions, but it was a way to simplify and save money and time.

Besides Chris, they all fit into their same costumes, but because Chris is just 2 and doesn't care how authentic his costume is, I knew we could just choose something from our dress-up trunk and he'd be happy.

Obviously our Halloween took an unexpected turn when my water broke at 1:30am. Actually, I had had an idea that something might happen, thank heavens, because I was able to call my friend, Jessica, to let her know that this may be the night I call her in the middle of the night to come over to watch the kids, I finally dug out a boy outfit and a girl outfit to wash for the hospital, I washed Tanner's Harry Potter robe, got Naomi's scarecrow outfit ready for that day, dug out all the costume accessories that were needed, packed my hospital bag, and wrote out detailed instructions for Jessica on what the kids needed done for school.

Even with the impression I needed to be ready, our Halloween wasn't what we had expected, and because of that, our Halloween pictures from that day are not all that great. For that reason, I am posting a picture from last Halloween (since most of the costumes are the same). Plus, Naomi ended up feeling quite sick on Halloween night (Nate had to pursuade her to go trick-or-treating -- no kidding, she actually had to be talked into going) and topped off the night by throwing up on the sidewalk after they were done trick-or-treating. Lucky me, I was in a hospital bed. We never did get a picture of Naomi in her costume this year since she was feeling too crummy for pictures.

The picture of Chris alone is of him in the costume of his choice for the year, which was a big hit in the hospital when Nate took the kids to visit Grace and me.

The third picture is of Grace, of course, who, by-the-way, had her 2-week check-up today where we found that she's put on a full pound. She's now 7'12", which is still almost 1 1/2 lbs lighter than Naomi was at birth. (FYI, a pound is good weight gain for a newborn in two weeks, but that is still only half of what Amanda managed to put on during her first 2 weeks.) Love those healthy kids!

I'm also tossing in a picture of Naomi and Chris just because it's one of my favorites.

1 comment:

faith said...

i think chris' costume is pretty awesome. and glad grace is doing so well.