Monday, March 9, 2009

Anything look familiar?

Amanda and I took a 12-hr road trip to Vegas last Saturday (that's there and back in 12 hrs).

I know for some of you it hasn't been that long, but still, anything look familiar? (by-the-way, it's for sale)

The wash:

The bus stop:

The Moberly/Industrial (now called Dean Martin Dr.) intersection (anybody remember Jesse who used to live in a trailor? Well, this is where his trailor used to be):

The rental:


Our Mooncrest neighbors' home:

The site of Eden's accident:

The reason behind our road trip:


eden said...

great flashback pictures! those are great. i just told my co-worker the whole accident story because of the "sight of the accident" picture.

that's deonna(sp?) right?

looks like a fun (super-quick) trip!

faith said...

wow! a lot of changes. i bet that was a fun trip.