Sunday, January 11, 2009

what we've been up to

we had a big morning here yesterday! everybody's known for a long time that both have needed haircuts. the appropriate people finally gave in...

if possible, andy now looks even more round than before.

we also had a wonderful visit with mom, dad, eden, and graydon. unfortunately i didn't have my camera out much, so i'll have to get pictures from mom and eden. we enjoyed being able to go to the byu/tu game and the boys did great and had a wonderful time. we also went to oral roberts university and walked around a little bit. unfortunately the campus was officially "closed" so we couldn't go inside any of the buildings, but it was neat to look around. we enjoyed a nice dinner with daniel bobik as well (natalie and the kids were still in utah). on new year's eve we passed the time playing graydon's question game. i think everyone should have a chance to play that.

let us know if you're up for a visit to tulsa! we'd love to have visitors!


eden said...

both haircuts look great. i do love andy's mohawk look, though!

it was fun to visit!

Bethany said...

I think the beard suits Spencer very nicely, myself.

Andy's cut looks great, and I don't think he looks any rounder, but I know what you mean -- Chris' haircuts evoked the same feelings in me and I couldn't believe he was even more round.

What game was it? Would you rather?

Caitlin said...

I like the beard, too.

I think it's funny that you, Beth, and I have all married guys that grow much more facial hair than the men in our family.

Graydon or Harper should post photos of their vacation growth. :)