Sunday, December 20, 2009

Merry Christmas


Jennifer said...

Dominic here- I clearly remember that morning. You can see from the faces that Dad, A, B, & C were used to getting up that early. The rest of us were rushed out of bed and told to smile. I think I wore my pajama bottoms in this pic.

faith said...

I love this picture. Merry Christmas, everyone!

eden said...


dom, i don't know what you're talking about. it looks to me like you were used to getting up that early... (:

apparently spanky missed the "smile" instruction.

question - did we really sent this out as a "look at our great family" picture? if so... ouch.

Bethany said...

Eden, I was wondering the same thing. If I remember right, we did. I just remember being relieved that I was one of the ones that was used to getting up early.

You're right, though. Ouch.

Harper said...

I didn't miss the memo.

Unknown said...

you look like my friends cousin spanky