Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Halloween

Yesterday we went to Park City, joining Dad and Mom up there for the afternoon. It was cut a little short because Rob wasn't feeling great (I really missed those hot tubs I'd been excited for all week), but as it turned out, by the middle of the night we had 2 sickos. Rob and I both had time with Guy up in the middle of the night (about 4 hours total). Today we're still all pretty drowsy.
For Guy's first Halloween I borrowed a costume from a friend. I bought a pattern but the mane seemed too labor intensive without promising results. Yesterday I got lots of good ideas for future Halloweens while walking around. I don't know that we'll ever dress up as a family, but my favorite family themed one was dad and mom as a king and queen and a little girl as a princess with a little boy as a frog. I thought it was adorable. I think mom got the best photo of our family--same pose, but Guy smiling, too.
When we got home, we did make a quick stop at Penni's, where they had scones, chili, and cider - and Rob tried scones for the first time ever. Yum!
Here's one of Eden and Guy the other night - we went to Gardener Village with some of the fam. Dominic, Jen, Eden and the kids all went through a whimsical house of some sort . . . Eden had Guy and he fell asleep in her arms. He doesn't do that often anymore, but when he does, I love it.


Stan Johnson said...

What's funny is that just last year, my daughter dressed up as a princess, and our youngest son, Charles, got to be the frog.

Great minds think alike?

Cute pix. :)

faith said...

eden's good at that, isn't she? sounds like a fun time!