Monday, April 20, 2009

Healthy Habits Challenge

This is being done in my ward right now for the second time. The first time I started it but dropped out, and the second time I knew myself well enough to not even sign up. (It started the week of Amanda's surgery and I knew I was headed into survival mode.) Anyway. . .

You have been challenged live the following habits for the next 12 weeks! The idea of the Healthy Habits Challenge is to motivate each other to develop 10 healthy lifestyle habits.

To participate you score yourself "on your honor" every day and then each week send in the number of points you have earned to me. I'll send out a weekly email with point totals for all participants. You can earn up to 10 points per day. Sundays are days off- you get to take a break with no points earned/lost. The person with the most points in the end wins a small prize.

The competition runs April 27 - July 18. Let me know if you plan to participate by emailing me by this Sunday, April 26th.

Daily Habits (1 point each)
1. 7 hours of sleep (not necessarily consecutive--naps count too)
2. 30 minutes of exercise (not necessarily consecutive)
3. No sweets/unhealthy snacks
4. 64 oz. of water
5. 3 servings of veggies, 2 servings of fruit
6. No soda
7. No eating after 8:00 PM
8. 15 minutes of scripture reading (family reading counts)
9. One journal entry in the journal type of your choice (personal, blog, etc.)
10. Choose you own habit (flossing, prayer, service, etc.)

For those of you who are pregnant or nursing:
You may eat after 8 pm if you have an extra serving of fruit or vegetables that day.

Oh, and everybody's lowest week will be dropped from the tally.


Any takers? Email me if you want to participate.

Oh, and if anybody else got sucked into the infomercial for Power 90 and bought it, I'm going to start it tomorrow and would love a partner to start with. Let me know.


faith said...

any kind of leeway with a small baby getting up repeatedly in the middle of the night? :)

eden said...

i'm in (again). i joined and dropped out that same time you did - remember?

and faith, no leeway. you just need to give him more spankings. (:

(okay, okay, maybe some leeway... - at least from me)

faith said...

thanks, eden. but this one's a her. :)

Bethany said...

Of course, since I know what that's like. You can give yourself a point IF you sleep when the baby sleeps. Now, I know that's not always feasible with other little kids around, but when they are down for the night (and even naps or quiet time) and that little baby girl, who could probably use a spank or two (just kidding) is sleeping, you'd better be sleeping. No blogging, no emailing, no sewing, no cleaning, no phone calls, no nothing (anything, I know, but I was going for a little alliteration). Remember, I also know how tempting things can look when you finally have a second to do them, but I also know how much nicer you will be to ALL of your kids if you've gotten all the sleep you can, and I know that there will be plenty of time to do those tempting things later. Maybe much later than you'd like, but nevertheless, you will have the time.

So, be humble, be grateful -- oops, wrong "be"s -- be fair, be honest, and remember that it is just a game and that the prize won't be a big one anyway because I'm cheap.